Managing leadership executive search assignments across an organization is a responsibility we take very seriously.   Here at Solomann, we maintain a transparent and genuine collaborative approach to executive search that is based on a clear understanding of your business agenda and challenges that are in today’s competitive landscape.  We support clients in transforming people, organizations and the world through leadership.  With two decades of experience, we identify and attract caliber leaders, assess cultural and organizational fit, and advice on building compensation and retention frameworks.  We know what great leaders can do, and we’re passionate about delivering the best leadership solutions to our clients. We’re proud of doing work that contributes to successful careers, stronger companies, and building a better world.




While Solomann continues to focus on senior leadership executive searches, we have come to experience that transformation needs to take place at all levels of the organization.  Be it an expansion into emerging markets, restructuring organization structure or establishing new shared service and regional hubs, we build customized talent solutions to ensure you are able to develop middle and senior professionals that are able to execute the strategic shift that our placed leaders are driving.




With Solomann’s long standing experience in leadership and talent solutions, we have also championed specialized market feasibility studies into the talent landscape across Asia that will provide your organization an overview to build regional hubs or attract talent in the diverse markets in Asia.  Our market and talent intelligence provides you with pay structures and population density of skilled professionals, that you are able to capitalize to make the best decision to spearhead growth in Asia effectively and efficiently.